
Citation suggestions

Use for scientific purposes:

Bont, L. G., Moll, P. E., Ramstein, L., Frutig, F., Heinimann, H. R., & Schweier, J. (2022). SEILAPLAN, a QGIS plugin for cable road layout design. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering: Journal for Theory and Application of Forestry Engineering, 43(2), 241-255.

Source code:

Moll, P. E., Bont, L. G., Ramstein, L., Frutig, F., Heinimann, H. R., & Schweier, J. (2022). SEILAPLAN, a QGIS plugin for cable road layout design, version 3.5.0,

Realization of Seilaplan

Sustainable Forestry Research Group
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
8903 Birmensdorf
(Realization version 2.x and 3.x for QGIS 3)

Chair of Forest Engineering
ETH Zurich
8092 Zurich
(Concept, realization version 1.x for QGIS 2)

Persons involved

  • Leo Bont, Hansrudolf Heinimann (concept, mechanics)
  • Patricia Moll (Implementation in Python / QGIS, programming GUI)
  • Laura Ramstein (coordination of further development, improvement of user-friendliness)
  • Fritz Frutig (support translations, improvement of user-friendliness)
  • Janine Schweier (website, finance & admin, head of the research group)
  • Konrad Wyss, ibW Bildungszentrum Wald Maienfeld (feedback from practice, teaching, rope crane conference)


Practice partners
Abächerli Forstunternehmen AG
Nüesch & Ammann Forstunternehmung AG


Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact Leo Bont.